
From data journalism, to factchecking and safety, ARIJ, with the help of its partners and donors, launched a number of projects to support the ecosystem of investigative and in-depth reporting in the Arab world.

Current projects


Supporting the Investigative Journalism Ecosystem

the project focused on equipping Arab journalists with tools to produce fact-checked reports scrutinizing critical issues spanning corruption, environmental crises and public health.


The SHARAKA project aims to promote climate justice in Jordan, Lebanon, Tunisia, and Palestine.


The “I Will Not Stay Silent Coalition” came together to offer solutions to various forms of abuse of power and to work towards harnessing a safe media environment.

Data journalism

Believing in the value of promoting data journalism in the Arab world. ARIJ launched an advanced diploma in data journalism.

ARIJ AI Strategy

The strategy aims to explore the possibilities of using AI in news gathering, production, and distribution, helping MENA media outlets in applying these technologies to their work.


The Arab Fact-Checkers Network (AFCN) is a grassroots network that works towards fostering transparent and impartial fact-checking in the Arab region.

Previous projects

Who takes the responsibility?

Is a two year project, launched by ARIJ and supported by the Nations Democracy Fund, UNDEF. The project aims at improving accountability reporting in Jordan.

Safety First

Safety First is a project that contributes to a full cyber safety ecosystem for all journalists in the MENA region.

Right to Safety

A fellowship offered by ARIJ in cooperation with “Free Press Unlimited” to shed light on problems that endanger human safety or health.

Innovate To Investigate

Innovate to Investigate is a project that aims at creating a new perspective for investigative journalism and transfer innovative mindset to the participants.


Aman360 project aims to create and nurture a cognizant foundation for the safety of journalists among the investigative journalism community in the Arab world.

100 Watts

100 Watts is a three-year project launched by ARIJ and supported by the Embassy of Netherlands in Jordan.

“Together” incubator

The “Together” incubator is the fruit of collaboration between the Swedish International Liberal Centre (SILC), and ARIJ, and is funded by the Swedish Institute (SI).