Our Approach

“Empowering, Networking and Innovating for the Future of Investigative Journalism In the Arab World”

We pursue our mission by focusing on three strategic pillars:


We empower investigative journalists, editors, and fact-checkers through comprehensive training, one-on-one mentoring, and coaching. We also provide unique Arabic language databases and analysis tools to support data journalism efforts. We do this within a comprehensive model of safety: physical, digital, legal, mental, and career safety.


We create unique opportunities for networking and collaboration at local, national, regional, and global levels, both within the investigative journalism community and beyond.


We are committed to innovation, developing unique Arabic language datasets, Arabizing tools, partnerships, and research to enhance investigative work, storytelling, and audience engagement. This supports the future growth of investigative journalism and fact-checking in the Arab world.

We remain dedicated to our five core values:


We prioritize fact-based information, rigorously verified against primary sources.


We take full responsibility for our work, promptly acknowledging and correcting any errors.


We maintain editorial autonomy, free from external influences that could compromise our integrity.


We strive for balance and fairness, presenting multiple perspectives in our reporting.


We are mindful of the impact of our work, protecting sources and avoiding harmful content.

These core values are embedded in our editorial policy (provided in Arabic here), overseen by our Editor-in-Chief and team of executive editors and coaches. Together, we work to uphold and nurture the highest standards of investigative journalism, contributing to a more informed and transparent society in the Arab world.

ARIJ’s Editorial Statement

“Enhancing investigative journalism by consolidating the principles of individual and institutional accountability within political, social, and legal contexts, and playing the role of the “Fourth Estate” in the Arab world amidst the flow of misinformation and disinformation.”