An ARIJ investigation leads to a suspension decision of notary document fees by the High Judicial Council.

December 28, 2020


The Palestinian Constitutional Court sent a request for clarification to the Bar Association and demanded a response to review the legal texts of the illegal fees mentioned in an ARIJ investigation. This investigation continued its impact with the suspension decision of notary document fees by the High Judicial Council, provoking the Palestinian Bar Association to anger.





February 2021


After the publication of ARIJ investigation “Illegal fees from Palestinian Pockets” in October 2020, and based on Palestinian Prime Minister request on February 11, 2021, the Palestinian Constitutional Court sent the request for clarification to the Bar Association and demanded a response to review the legal texts. This investigation continued its impact during the month of March 2021 with the suspension decision of notary document fees by the High Judicial Council, provoking the Palestinian Bar Association to anger.

In 2020, there was a huge ‘hate speech’ social media campaign from lawyers against the investigative journalist Firas Al Taweel, the journalist behind this investigation, that the Palestinian journalists’ syndicate stood firm against.

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